TPMG physicians can donate their time at Saturday Surgery Sessions where the volunteer team cares for 5-15 patients. Saturday surgery sessions are scheduled 2-4 times per year at each partner KP medical center. To see currently scheduled Saturday Sessions, please click here.

Staff privileges at the participating medical center where you will volunteer
Surgeons & Specialists

Staff privileges at the participating medical center where you will volunteer
Surgeons & Specialists
- Commit to a self-determined volume of patients (e.g. one per month, two per quarter). As a volunteer you have the flexibility to decline a referral at any time.
- Review OA referral and inform OA if case is appropriate.
- Meet with patient for an initial consultation to determine if a procedure is necessary.
- Perform the procedure during a Saturday Surgery Session, or at your office if the patient could benefit from a minor clinic procedure.
- See the patient for routine post-op appointments.
- One or more procedures per quarter, depending on your availability.
- At least a 12-month commitment.
- Provide care to OA patients during Saturday Surgery Sessions for a minimum 3 hour shift.
- Sign up and commit to a full shift in advance of volunteering
- At least one Saturday per year.