Our partners and volunteers are the heart of what we do.

Participating medical facilities and groups sign a Memorandum of Understanding, agreeing to waive facility fees and ancillary services.
For a list of our partner medical facilities and medical groups, please click here.
Medical Volunteers
Physicians, nurses, technicians, interpreters and other staff make a difference in their neighbors' lives.
To learn more about volunteering with OA, please see For Volunteers.
Click here to view a volunteer resource guide with more information about our program and volunteering with OA. Please reach out to your county program staff member with any questions.
Community Clinics
Community clinics depend on OA to secure needed services for qualified patients. They trust that we will match their patients with appropriate physicians, manage the process, and provide appropriate documentation.
To refer a patient to OA, please click here. (Patients must be referred by a community clinic.)
Please click here for more information on how to refer a patient to Operation Access, click here for examples of surgical and specialty services offered, and click here for specific referral guidelines.
- OA provides an effective vehicle for medical facilities' and groups' community benefit initiatives.
- OA provides meaningful opportunities for medical professionals to volunteer and make a difference, in their own community.
- OA is a critical resource for community health centers when their patients need outpatient surgical or specialty care.

Participating medical facilities and groups sign a Memorandum of Understanding, agreeing to waive facility fees and ancillary services.
For a list of our partner medical facilities and medical groups, please click here.
Medical Volunteers

To learn more about volunteering with OA, please see For Volunteers.
Click here to view a volunteer resource guide with more information about our program and volunteering with OA. Please reach out to your county program staff member with any questions.
Community Clinics
We accept referrals from many Bay Area community health centers. Click here to see a list of referring clinics.
Click here to view a clinic resources guide with more information about our program and referring patients to OA. Please reach out to your county program staff member with any questions.
Click here to view a clinic resources guide with more information about our program and referring patients to OA. Please reach out to your county program staff member with any questions.
To refer a patient to OA, please click here. (Patients must be referred by a community clinic.)
Please click here for more information on how to refer a patient to Operation Access, click here for examples of surgical and specialty services offered, and click here for specific referral guidelines.