We are expanding to additional counties throughout Northern California



We are hiring!

We are hiring for a Valley Regional Director to join our team. For more information check out the description here. Please spread the word. 


We continue helping patients during the pandemic
Thanks to the commitment of our volunteers and partners, we continue accepting referrals and serving patients during the pandemic. We are working remotely to coordinate care, but patients are typically waiting longer than before because our specialty providers implement stringent hygiene protocols, including pre-procedure COVID-19 testing, to ensure safety.


Volunteer Spotlight

John Ngai, MD In 2011, Dr. Ngai received the Volunteer of the Year Award from the Volunteer Center of San Francisco/San Mateo for his OA activities. Based on a nomination by The Volunteer Center, he also won a Jefferson Award for Volunteerism.

To learn more about OA volunteers, please click here
John Ngai, MD  

Patient Spotlight

Ingrid “I give thanks to God and to you guys that there exists an organization so humanitarian like Operation Access. Because thanks to you, my life returned to normal and now I can work and do my daily activities.”

To meet some of our patients, click here