Consulting and Collaboration

Technical Assistance 

Operation Access provides consulting and technical assistance to champions in communities that are interested in building medical volunteer programs. The tools we have developed over the years have proven replicable and scalable, and, in combination with our technical assistance, have resulted in effective program implementation.
The OA model 
Our program model is built on mitigating risk through defined parameters, providing positive experiences for the volunteers, and demonstrating positive outcomes.  We maintain current letters of agreement with every medical center partner.  Our case management policies and scheduling systems allow for volunteer flexibility and our recognition and retention strategies result in very low volunteer turnover.  We have a strong culture of evaluation and evidence-based outcome measurement, including logic models, strategic scorecards, others in Results.

Thinking About Developing a Local Medical Volunteer Program? Operation Access can help
We appreciate the opportunity to share our expertise with communities that are working to improve access to healthcare for the underserved, and offer a diverse technical assistance including:
  • A variety of contracts, forms, policies, procedures, checklists, and other key resources to get your program off the ground quickly
  • Program design, planning, and growth projection
  • Network development, consensus-building, stakeholder/partner/champion identification and engagement
  • Contract and policy development
  • Volunteer, hospital, and ancillary provider group recruitment, utilization, recognition, and retention
  • Referral/eligibility criteria, care coordination, case management, and patient navigation practices
  • Evaluation strategies and data collection instruments that enable continuous quality improvements and evidence-based measurement of program outcomes and impacts
  • Database and information system development
Operation Access collaborates with multiple organizations to promote local medical volunteerism and to strengthen the safety net for millions of people who remain uninsured.  Together, we build on best practices to identify and disseminate best practices that support community volunteer efforts.

West Coast Access Collaborative

Operation Access, Project Access North West, Project Access NOW, Project Access San Diego, Spirit Program, and Access OC, Southern California meet and share ideas regularly as part of a collaborative effort to share best practices.

Access OC
In 2007, AccessOC became the first organization to replicate the Operation Access model. OA staff developed a comprehensive, customizable toolkit with over 100 forms, procedures, checklists, contracts, and other key resources to facilitate a swift and successful launch for AccessOC. Over the years, we have continued to provide technical assistance and staff training to AccessOC. We’ve also learned quite a few tips from them!
CRC Screening
Referrals for colonoscopy are the most frequent single referral type received by OA. According to recent data, up to 70% of colon cancer cases are preventable through early detection and OA is a critical resource for colonoscopy referrals when community clinics have abnormal findings from the first stage of the screening (FIT or FOBT) that takes place at the clinic. Operation Access is a member of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable is one of three high-performing model programs in a national Links to Care program organized by American Cancer Society that provides technical assistance to communities across the country.
Additional community organizations and resources